Your development is essential to the results you desire.

Every day more and more people are
hiring a Coach, because it works.

The dynamic partnership is completely focused on you, so you achieve the progress you seek.

Why Coaching Works

Accelerate your clarity with Coaching.

The acceleration I experienced when partnering with a Coach is a huge part of why I fell in love with this profession. After 8 years of studying, living, and working in Minnesota, I felt the tug on my heart to move back to Kansas. Attached to the idea of impending change were several complicated questions and feelings:

  • “Is it too risky?”

  • “What if I make a mistake?”

  • “Am I smart enough to start a business?”
    And many others…

I began working with a Certified Coach and was blown away by the clarity and momentum made in three short months. The increased self-awareness about my values led me to greater intentional action to make the move across the Midwest. There were still many questions and a bit of fear, but I was clear on what I was moving towards; that made all the difference. I’m deeply grateful I didn’t stay stuck on that tightrope of indecision as I would have missed out on precious time with beloved family.

Lumina was launched in May of 2016 out of a desire to share this gift of Coaching with others. Lumina means “To Bring Light To”, serving as a reminder to myself to share my light, and a calling to support others in finding theirs.

University of St. Thomas
BA in Psychology

Coach U
Core Essentials Program

International Coaching Federation
Associate Certified Coach

Get to the heart.

Facts over assumptions.

Faith over fear.

Confidence over uncertainty.