"Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking.
You don't need all the answers right now. New paths will reveal themselves if you have the courage to get started."

— James Clear


Do you only work with people about to Retire?

Nope! It’s actually pretty 50-50 for my practice. I hold space for people of all ages, backgrounds and life stages. I love supporting men and women with that big life change of Retirement as it is such an opportunity to look at whole-person wellness. This is also true for many other life changes. Change brings disruption across our lives. This does not have to mean destruction. Small or large change is worthwhile for Coaching so that you can embrace the shifts with eyes wide open and thoughtful actions at the ready.

Did you go to school to Coach?

I sure did. After my Psychology degree from St. Thomas (Go Tommies!) I did an AmeriCorps year and explored some other career options. In the fall of 2015 I attended Coach U’s Core Essentials Program. It was an incredible, immersive cohort experience. I’m currently a Global ICF member (Associate Certified Coach) as well as an ICF Heartland member. My mentor coach and I meet monthly and I regularly participate in continuing education courses.

What if I’m nervous about opening up to you?

This is completely normal. It’s likely that some of the nerves have to do with opening up to a new person. But, I bet those nerves are mostly related to taking an important action closer to the clarity that is super duper important to you. Often that stirs up, the “Oh my! What if it really works out?!” concoction of excitement, fear, glee, and overwhelm.
If you haven’t been in a therapeutic partnership like this before, it may take a bit to warm up. Not to worry! We will have time to build rapport and trust. And, remember sessions are 100% confidential.

What if I don’t live in Kansas City?

Distance is no barrier for a connected and dynamic partnership. We will get as creative as needed to find the time zone that works for each of us. I’ve been coaching via phone sessions for 6+ years and have full confidence that it will provide us the space to let your guard down and dive deep into the heart of the content. We each have a responsibility to ensure we’re as distraction-free as possible and giving proper attention to the exploration process.