Passion & a 5 Min Question
Today we celebrate the courageous lifelong display of passion from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to relentlessly strive for equality amongst all peoples. Particularly, and rightfully, for Black people. His passion was seen, known, and continues to be celebrated today.
I reflected on passion all weekend when I stumbled upon a question my mentor coach asked me when we first started coaching together in 2017.
She asked, "What do you feel most passionate about or inspired by?"
I answered,
My little sister, Kimber – her spunk, smile, perseverance & love.
Empowering individuals and families to be in the driver’s seat of their own lives and live in line with their values.
Collaborating across disciplines/professions to support a common goal in a strengths-based way.
Supporting someone to do something new they never thought they’d be able to do, or never had an opportunity to try.
Living gratitude out loud.
Reading my unfiltered answers brought tears to my eyes.
As many of you know, my sweet Kimber died 3 years ago this month. I miss her more than words can express.
It's still true that I'm passionate about and inspired by her spunk, smile, perseverance, and love.
I plan to hang these up by my desk where I'll be reminded of them frequently.